I have been a member and President of the Bellingen Men’s Shed since 2015, a time when the Shed was built, a constitution and a committee was formed to manage the facility on the Bellingen High School site. I support the membership that encourages both men and women to be active members and I work to contribute to the Shed being a valued organisation in our community.
My work experiences up until my retirement in 2018 included being a Boilermaker and Industrial Arts Teacher, Deputy Principal, and Principal prior to retirement. I also participated in a range of sports as both a player and a committee member during this time.
The Men’s Shed has given me an opportunity at the commencement of my retirement to be involved in practical work I enjoy, developing new friendships, and utilising my administration skills to lead the development of the Shed.
I feel it’s my ongoing role to support the elected committee members with allocated key roles to help implement a well organised, safe and community supported organisation.
Members can make their own projects, work on Shed projects and jobs for the community with the support of volunteer daily Supervisors. The priority is to provide a supportive social activity with an income to help with the management of Shed needs such as consumables, tools, equipment, and annual financial expenses.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to know more about the Shed and becoming a member. I can also help you with undertaking induction to visit the shed and participate in social and wellbeing activities along with safe work procedures to allow you to become an active member in the workshop.